There are a few empty envelopes - we could not match up some of the loose letters with dates on the envelopes that were empty. It is quite possible the loose letters were written on a date other than when they were mailed, thus not matching the date on the envelope. There are also some empty and unused pages in the album and the last page is separated. Also includes induction papers for one of the sons.
A few excerpts from one of the early letters. I've been living a pretty easy life for a change. The sargent and I and a few of the other fellows are going fishing Sunday.So you see I have it pretty easy....... One more week to go and then i should soon know what outfit I will be with.
We may go on maneuvers. I hear the president is against maneuvers because so many of the boys get killed. From what I heard we may be sent across as soon as we are done with our maneuvers. But I don't put any stock in that. And anyway it doesn't bother me in the least.....I'm learning more and more each day. I have things down to a science.
By that I mean I don't do anymore than I have to. I learned a few tricks myself. My sargent told me that a good soldier sits on his &% 3/4 of the time and the 1/4 of the time he figures out how to sit around for 1/4 of the time.
So far I've been doing pretty well. And one good feature about me is that all the fellows in the company like me very much. So you see I'm being a regular guy. I sure have a lot of new friends. I've been invited to visit fellows in about every state of the union after the duration...... Just a great piece from history and a very interesting read.Size of book is approximately 14 1/2" x 12" x 2. If you have any questions or need additional photos, please ask. Please don't ask for a reduced price unless the listing has "MAKE OFFER". We feel that our pricing is more than fair, compared to pricing of same or similar items. This type of question will be ignored.
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